Have you ever seen Oprah's show at the end of the year when she tells you her favorite things!! And then she gives everyone a new car, a paid trip to Australia, and a diamond necklace of your choosing.
Well since it is Ollie's first Christmas with us I thought I would list some of Ollie's Favorite Things. This list is going to be way better though, because it's thing's Ollie loves and he backs behind them 100 PERCENT. I know this because he told me so. Get ready to say Awww,
10. Ollie loves his special spot on our couch. I have a pillow that I got from my Big Sister (sorry big) and we started using it in the car and that's they way we get him to stay in one spot. So it has become our travel pillow for him and his "spot" in the living room. Move his pillow without his permission, he gets grumpy. But I get to see this cute face like this before I leave in the morning, what a cutie pie.
9. He loves to cuddle. Where do you ask? If most prefers the "cave" of our legs. You know when you curl up and your legs form a crook, that's Ollie's spot and no one else's, so you better go find your own.
8. Powder Puff, Lacey, and Scooter. Ollie currently has three best friends. One I call Powder Puff and is barely 6 months old (you can see the reason for her name below), my Aunt's long haired dachshund, Lacey, and Scooter, his best guy pal in college station who is also a dachshund. He loves dogs his size or smaller, if you are a Spanish Mastiff or an elephant, you might as well kiss Ollie good bye. But if you are his best friend, he will play with you for hours on hours.
7. Tug-o-War fights with Daddy. Ollie loves to play with Hubby whenever he can. He loves to play tug-o-war with the toys, tug-o-war on Hubby's fingers, and fend Hubby off of me when we have tickle fights. What can I say, wee little Ollie is a Momma's boy.
6. Cooking and Taste testing. Ollie has an amazing palate and is a huge foodie like his Mom and Dad. So he loves to "supervise" us when we are cooking. That's right he supervises. Even does quality control on the bacon or some of the veggies here and there.
5. Wet Legs. Now you may think this is weird, but Ollie just loves when we come out of the shower because he gets a chance at our legs. They are sopping wet and there for him to lick up for himself. Our legs to him is the equivalent to a snow cone on a hot Texas day.
4. TREATS! The soft kind most especially along with chew sticks. We get him these soft Jerky Bites for snacks at HEB. They are locally made and they also are more bang for your buck. Look Ollie is saving you money too! But man is he a super happy pup if he gets his chew stick!
3. His Sweater. We ordered him his first sweater from Etsy.com that is argyle and he just loves that he looks so dapper. He is a scholar and a gentleman deep down and freaking adorable on the outside.
2. Boogers. Again, this might be weird, but after we got Ollie we found that this was quite common among pups. But licking our noses and cleaning them out of boogers are his favorite part of the day. If Ollie likes you, he wants your boogers, so consider yourself so lucky if he does so.
1. SQUIRRELS!!! His favorite time of the day is when he gets to go outside in the courtyard and patrol for the squirrels. They are a menace to our community and Ollie is on watch for them. So don't worry is always in tip top shape and more than willing to chase and run around as his favorite activity. It's just a bonus that he can protect you!

Well I hope you have fully enjoyed reading about Ollie's favorite things. He just thought with the holiday season you should know all about it so you know what to do/get for your own adorable pup for Christmas. What is Ollie getting for Christmas? Well if you promise not to tell, he is getting a bandanna from his grandma and chocolate dog safe treats from his Mom and Dad. He is going to be so excited on Christmas! Until next week, Live, Laugh and Love!!!!