Une Bella Vita, everything in life should be
It's simple, life should be simple and beautiful, whether it's something you bake, create or just your daily life. Here is how I share mine with you.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Hubby isn't just Hubby, he is Super Hubby
So in these past few days, I have come to realize how ever blessed I am to have such an amazing Husband. Super Hubby is about to soon be Super Daddy and in waiting, and waiting even more, for our Little Sunshine to arrive, I have come to appreciate him more and more. Here are just a few of the reasons why:
1. He is not only an amazing provider but protector of his family. He knows exactly when to come to my aid and stand up for me and when to let me fight my own battles. He is my knight in shining armor.
2. He is supportive and honest in anything I want to dream and aspire to do. Whether if it's playing with a new cupcake recipe to being a mom to being a business owner. He is honest but he is nothing short of extra supportive. For this Super Hubby, I am always grateful.
3. He gets me. You don't understand, he truly gets me. My best friends and I have a way of talking to one another, a second language in a sense, and can come off very strange to any normal person sitting next to you at Starbucks. But whether he gets it or not, he goes along, no matter how silly. He sometimes starts it. You have no idea how many people never got me growing up, let alone dating.
4. He takes care of me. This past week or two, have been very physically and even emotionally difficult for me and waiting on our Little Sunshine. With that plus getting the house renovated, moving, and unpacking, he has let me do what I need to do. Some days I can not do a whole lot and I feel guilty when little to nothing gets done that day (I hate not being productive, I have 7 tabs up right now with various things to do) and he has worked all day. In this adjustment period, he has been there and supported me 100%. And when I need dinner to be fixed or something lifted, he never complains or second guesses anything. This is truly amazing.
5. He always tries to make me happy or laugh. We hate to see each other sad, grumpy, or angry, but tis is life. But when I am not well or down, he naturally tries to make me laugh or cheer me up. Super Hubby has no idea how much I notice this and love him so much for it.
6. He always seeks adventure. When I say this, he always tries to push me a little out of our comfort zone and tries to help us grow as a couple. I love you Super Hubby for this.
7. I am a little crazy and that's OK with him. There are times where a girl just needs to cry or get upset over something completely pointless. For this, he lets me cry it out and do what I need to do. I kid you not there are times, even before pregnancy, that I get upset and I know it's over something
8. He is going to be an amazing dad. Little Sunshine isn't here yet, but he is so ready to be a dad and he is going to be amazing. I can tell because he already tries to play and take care of his daughter.
9. And lastly, he loves me. Without a doubt he loves me with all his heart and that is all a girl could ever ask for. I can tell from the way he chews or kisses my hand to the way he just looks at me.
We are not the perfect couple, far from it, but we are perfect for one another. And that is what a girl in this big world looks for, someone that is perfect for her. It isn't easy and it never comes right away, but for me I found my soul mate, and I am lucky and blessed to call him my husband. So Super Hubby, soon-to-be-super-Daddy, this post is dedicated to you and to share with everyone how amazing you are. For more moments of Living, Laughing, and Loving, I can not wait to share them with you.
Love Always and Forever,
Your Almost Two Best Girls <3
Monday, July 22, 2013
Just Want to Put on a Pair of Pants
So first off, it was my lovely Husband that reminded me that I haven't written in over 4 months. For that I do sincerly apologize. These past four months have been crazy times for us. We bought a house, renovating the house, moving, quitting and getting everything closed off at my job, and if you don't recall, getting ready to have a baby.
So now that we are so close to having our little girl, Little Sunshine, I just wanted to reflect on life as a pregnant woman. Before I continue on, I have loved every moment of being pregnant with our little girl and wouldn't trade this experience for anything. We are so excited and can not wait for her to get here!! Even though I was warned by my mother and vetran's of the pregnancy race, let me tell you that last month or two is HARD. So if you are ever bored, you should try moving and renovating a house being 8.5+ months pregnant. It's so much fun, let me tell ya.
But with her impending arrival within a week, here are the things I will look forward to after having my body back:
1. Being able to bend over without moaning.
2. Being able to put on pants without grunting or assistance.
3. In addition to number 3, a pair of damn panties!
4. Not looking like, as my husband likes to say, 11 months pregnant.
5. Having my ankles back, I have perpetual elephant ankles now.
6. Getting the desire to drink coffee again
7. Being able to lift a box without my hand being slapped.
8. Being able to eat any kind of sushi again
9. Being able to have a cold salami sandwich.
10. To be able to see my feet again!
But all said and done, people tell me to enjoy these last few days of quiet and time to myself. That might be true, but I honestly can not wait regardless of the feedings every two hours. I always wanted to be a mother and here are the ten things I genuinely look forward to, after Little Sunshine comes:
1. Being able to call her mine.
2. Seeing her face for the first time
3. In line with number 3, seeing what features she has of mine or darling Husband.
4. Touching her soft skin.
5. Counting her little fingers and toes.
6. Seeing Darling Husband hold her for the first time (I will probably cry more than a baby).
7. Seeing her fall asleep.
8. Watching her sleep on her Dad's chest.
9. Seeing Hubby watch her first Ranger's game together.
10. Seeing her grandparents and other family hold her for their first time.
So yes I might get sleep deprived for a while and have some frustrations, but I welcome them. It's part of this new chapter in our life that I welcome with open arms and would not trade it for the world. It's crazy how soon our lives are going to drastically change. If you asked me a year ago if I was going to have a child, I would have said maybe not yet, but now I can not imagine my life not being so close to having her. So to my Little Sunshine, when you are old enough to do a google search and find this post, I can not wait till you get here and every day after that. You are already the light of our lives and we love you so much. Till you get here, we will wait, even though we don't want to any longer.
Oh and I am sorry about Dad tickling your feet so much, he already loves your little toes and loves feeling them through Mommy's belly. He loves playing "find your feet" with you. Don't worry, he is ticklish there too, so use it to your advantage later.
Live, Laugh, Love!
So now that we are so close to having our little girl, Little Sunshine, I just wanted to reflect on life as a pregnant woman. Before I continue on, I have loved every moment of being pregnant with our little girl and wouldn't trade this experience for anything. We are so excited and can not wait for her to get here!! Even though I was warned by my mother and vetran's of the pregnancy race, let me tell you that last month or two is HARD. So if you are ever bored, you should try moving and renovating a house being 8.5+ months pregnant. It's so much fun, let me tell ya.
But with her impending arrival within a week, here are the things I will look forward to after having my body back:
1. Being able to bend over without moaning.
2. Being able to put on pants without grunting or assistance.
3. In addition to number 3, a pair of damn panties!
4. Not looking like, as my husband likes to say, 11 months pregnant.
5. Having my ankles back, I have perpetual elephant ankles now.
6. Getting the desire to drink coffee again
7. Being able to lift a box without my hand being slapped.
8. Being able to eat any kind of sushi again
9. Being able to have a cold salami sandwich.
10. To be able to see my feet again!
But all said and done, people tell me to enjoy these last few days of quiet and time to myself. That might be true, but I honestly can not wait regardless of the feedings every two hours. I always wanted to be a mother and here are the ten things I genuinely look forward to, after Little Sunshine comes:
1. Being able to call her mine.
2. Seeing her face for the first time
3. In line with number 3, seeing what features she has of mine or darling Husband.
4. Touching her soft skin.
5. Counting her little fingers and toes.
6. Seeing Darling Husband hold her for the first time (I will probably cry more than a baby).
7. Seeing her fall asleep.
8. Watching her sleep on her Dad's chest.
9. Seeing Hubby watch her first Ranger's game together.
10. Seeing her grandparents and other family hold her for their first time.
So yes I might get sleep deprived for a while and have some frustrations, but I welcome them. It's part of this new chapter in our life that I welcome with open arms and would not trade it for the world. It's crazy how soon our lives are going to drastically change. If you asked me a year ago if I was going to have a child, I would have said maybe not yet, but now I can not imagine my life not being so close to having her. So to my Little Sunshine, when you are old enough to do a google search and find this post, I can not wait till you get here and every day after that. You are already the light of our lives and we love you so much. Till you get here, we will wait, even though we don't want to any longer.
Oh and I am sorry about Dad tickling your feet so much, he already loves your little toes and loves feeling them through Mommy's belly. He loves playing "find your feet" with you. Don't worry, he is ticklish there too, so use it to your advantage later.
Live, Laugh, Love!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
We have an Announcement
So we have been busy little bees in our house hold. Visiting with family because my brother-in-law is getting married soon! Keeping up with a hectic schedule with a little one on the way. And now we are in the process of buying our first home! It's a crazy-busy life, but I love it and wouldn't trade it, no matter how much I fall asleep on the couch from exhaustion.
First the most awaited news that all my family has been waiting for. Hubby and I are expecting a little...GIRL!!!
(I admit I was waiting for the shoes to come in, they are so flippin' adorable.)
We are over the moon and can't wait for our little princess to come into the world at the end of the summer. More and more each day, Hubby is getting more and more excited about his little Princess. He is starting to prepare himself for the day Princess paints his nails, or worse goes prom dress shopping because the only acceptable thing will be a moo-moo. Or a denim dress that Willie on Duck Dynasty suggested for his own daughter.
So at the moment, if you wish to know, I am having more cravings and Princess is still fighting the salads. So I have come up with very creative ways to hide all the veggies and make sure she is getting her nutrients, no matter how much I would love a cup of Mocha Almond Fudge Ice Cream, thank God for Blue Bell and Texas.
Here are my top 5 cravings for those who wish to know, because I do get asked all the time:
1. Black Beans, dunno why, but I love to have them at least twice a week in some form or fashion.
2. Chick-Fil-A Waffle Fries. Need I say more, the end!
3. Steak, when I want it, I am R-E-L-E-N-T-L-E-S-S
4. Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt
5. String Cheese, Ollie loves this one too
Sorry if this is all rambles, but we are all caught up now! This mommy blogger is fighting a headache from being woken up every half hour because poor Ollie was in pain from his shot.
Recipe next time, till then, Live, Laugh, and Love!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
The Millie's in our Lives
So yesterday I went to the restroom for the 100th time (one side affect of Wee Baby coming along, the bathroom has become my second office) I ran into a woman I shall call Millie. You see I personally don't know Millie, she works in an office on my floor but she a charming older woman that no matter what she has her hair done, her shoes match her outfit in color, and is the sweetest thing you have ever met. She never has an unkind word. So we always run into each other about once a week in the restroom and I always compliment her on her outfit. There are not that many people that can pull of a quilted coat or complete tangerine outfit, but hell Millie sure can!
And every time I see her and compliment her, she asks me how my day is and how darling I am. It makes me smile. I just love hanging out with all the Millies in the world, they have such interesting lives and can tell you so many stories. Millie even makes a point to walk by my office since I have a hallway window to make sure I am there that day. One day I was out and the next time she saw me she asked if I was alright. We don't even know each others names but she did wish me happy freaking birthday. I am pretty sure Millie has quilted a thousand quilts, made many apple pies for all her grandkids and no one has asked her about her former deep sea adventures (you never know).
A few months before I got married, my Great Aunt took me out to dinner to visit. She doesn't live far from where I work so I try to see her as often as our schedules allow, she is very much a social butterfly. Try calling her after 7 p.m. and you are screwed because her line will be busy for hours! On this one dinner occasion I asked her what she ever did for a living. Everyone in my family loves her but I don't ever recall someone telling me what she did for a profession. She could have been in a traveling circus, a clothing designer, or a professional nanny. You would never know if you didn't ask. In all honesty, every time I speak with her I get reminded of one of my favorite books, Lucia, Lucia. Really good book and the author is an Italian American.
She told me all about how she used to work at a large department store selling Satin Stockings when she was a teenager. Then stopped working for a short time when she got married. Due some circumstances, she found a job with a Shipping company for imports and exports. She started off as a secretary and eventually became the only woman in the Fleet office directing sailors where to go and even assisting families to relocate.
She held that position and an HR position for so long. It truly touched me how much a like we are.
I love my Great Aunt, she is my personal Millie and how she always has her hair in place and does not like it when people see her without her "face" on. Anytime she has been in the hospital, she gets upset if she doesn't have make up on and how unrepresentable, but I think she is more beautiful than ever. I just love how independent she is and how much she cares about all her great nieces and nephews (all 70+ of us) and is completely over joyed about Wee Baby coming. She always calls me Elizabeth Taylor because I look a lot like her and tend to be reserve like her. I like to imagine she once sold panty hose to Elizabeth Taylor. She is the living example of Live, Laugh, Love.
So find you a Millie in your life and Live, Laugh, and Love!
Friday, March 1, 2013
Slight Food Fustration
So here we are, Hubby and I are ending week 18 of our pregnancy. Not gonna lie, I have had it pretty easy compared to others. I know of others who can't get out of bed due to morning sickness, bad cramps, and then those who have two year olds. Those people just look at me and ask if I am ready, and I figure if I can get the Diva of Diva's to say please and thank you and become America's Sweetheart in one short summer, I can handle my own kid, stay tuned.
My one complaint, is that I have become a slightly picky eater. I HATE that feeling. Trust me, I want to try it, I really really do, but I have had limitations. I love salads, and now I have to take them slow because they sound good but not always taste good. Cheese, certain cheeses just throw me off my game, luckily on valentine's day Hubby was all to kind to switch dishes with me when I made that mistake. (After working in restaurants for so long, I hate sending food back if it's not the waiter or the establishment's fault. I chose it, I need to suck it up.) What is even worse is coffee. My stomach does back flips when I smell it, which doesn't help with my new super power, Super Keen Smell. That's right, I can smell you from a mile away, so forget trying to attack or surprise me, I know you are coming. There was a magical week when I could drink it again, but then something happened over the weekend or the baby took the week off. One or the other.
So poor Hubby has been so patient with my limitations and super supportive. He worries, but don't worry I am not starving and my belly proves the baby is getting enough nutrients. But last night I just really wanted something with vegetables and I had to trick my belly/baby to accept these with out me suffering. So I thought, why not a chicken and broccoli casserole. Now my casserole has way more than those two things.
So for picky eaters, young and old a like, I hope you love this simple, quick and very yummy recipe.
Start off with:
- A cup of uncooked rice (go ahead and make to hearts desire)
- 2-3 three heads of fresh broccoli. Frozen is fine, but they come out to the same most of the times, so I usually go fresh.
- a handful of fresh spinach, again canned or frozen is fine, we try to eat as fresh as possible.
- 6 small mushrooms/4 large
- 2 yellow squash (optional, I just happened to have them)
- Chicken, we made some the night before but use 1-2 chicken breasts)
- 1 can of cream of mushroom
Now with your chicken cooked, start adding your chopped veggies, I usually leave mushrooms and spinach last, because those cook so quickly in a pan. Broccoli & squash and as those soften then add the rest. You might want to pick a bigger pan than I did, because mine got full pretty quick. Baby needs those veggies!
When your rice is close to done, more than al dente but in that creamy stage, transfer it to your pan. Then add your can of cream of mushroom and a little water. Now mix all together. Your cream of mushroom is the glue to the casserole. Once it's all mixed thoroughly, you are done! If it's a little stiff, just a little water bit by bit.
No serve in a bowl and enjoy! I sure did!!!
As always, Live, Laugh, Love.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Quinoa, or "Keen-Wah" if you want to be specific
So I know I know I have promised I am posting on how to make quinoa. Now I will tell you it is pronounced "Keen-wah" or "qin-wah" but sometimes mispronunciations of words drive people nuts. I am usually not one of those people and there is a woman in my office who is one of those people, so I purposely do it to drive her nuts. I know it could be considered childish but until you have dealt with her yourself (which will make you go nuts), any little victory is nice especially to keep you sanity.
So back to quinoa. So what is the deal with this quinoa stuff? Well quinoa was domesticated about 3,000 years ago for human consumption. It was used first by the Inca's. It comes from a plant where the pods that stem are edible. But why all of the sudden in this health craze day of age are they are full of essential amino acids like lysine and good quantities of calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Why am I getting into it, well I wanted something that was a healthy rice supplement since Wee Baby is on his/her way. Not saying rice is bad, but I wanted to introduce more calcium and iron in my diet.
Quinoa is a lot like rice in it's preparation even though it can remind you a little of couscous in it's shape/texture. My hidden little trick to give it a little bit more flavor, prepare it in broth. I don't care what kind, I usually use what ever to compliment the protein I am using. Now here is a very easy recipe, one of my own pot recipes. Just because it has a weird name and is uber healthy, don't be afraid. Just become one with the quinoa.
So let's start with my version of Stir-fry Quinoa
First I cut up some cooked rib meat Hubby had made the other night and let it sautee a little in the pot with a little bit of olive oil. This would be good with any kind pork, beef, or chicken product.
Then I added all my lovely veggies (with me it was tomatoes, mushrooms, and spinach.)Let those saute some until the veggies get soft.
Next you need to add your broth/water and quinoa. Since I let the meat and veggies meld together I just added water. The quinoa cooks just like rice, so I knew those veggies and meat were going to become a broth of it's own since they will cook in the water for about 15 minutes. So add quinoa and then double the amount of water. For us, I used 1 cup of quinoa and three cups of water. Again treat it just like it's rice.
With quinoa you should stir a few times in the cooking process so nothing gets scorched. The top picture is about five to eight minutes in, the bottom is how it looks when you get close to done. You want most of the water to be gone.
What quinoa looks like up close when cooked. Yummy little balls of deliciousness.
And then once done, you serve! Enjoy a delicious and healthy bowl full or if you are like me then a bowl and a half, but I have a wee little baby inside.
![]() |
Ollie loves quinoa and was sad he didn't get a bowl |
it's pronounced,
one dish meal,
Quick meals,
rib meat,
Friday, January 25, 2013
A Funny Tale
This is the story of how I was compared to a shot gun and how my parents and my husband makes fun of me to this day about it. Yes I know you might have reread that sentence, this is the story of how I was compared to a shot gun. Let me explain, before my husband or my mom try to tell you. You can thank my husband for reminding me of this tale, which I will also explain later.
You see back when I was bright eyed in college I started taking dating seriously about my Junior year and I have nothing to hide, I started online dating. That is exactly how I met Hubby, and yes we have looked into telling E Harmony about us and getting us on a commercial, just waiting for my agent to negotiate (just kidding). Well right before I met Hubby I met a man we shall call Joe. It was nothing serious, according to my grandfather, "a girl should do what she does best, shop around". So The first date with Joe went fine, just a chat and a cup of coffee. The second date was alright, I do admit, I was possibly grumpy because we had to have a later dinner due to his schedule. Half way through that date he asked me out for a third. So I agreed, there was nothing wrong, until I realized... he was a control freak. I shared with him my dreams of owning a restaurant and he was already telling me how to run the show! Also telling me I wasn't eating enough (and trust me I can eat, when I am not irritated.). So after I got home I thought to myself, "Just be polite, go on one more date since you are obligated and then that is that. You never have to see him again."
A week later I realized how big of a mistake that was. First we went to a very nice outdoor mall to find a restaurant and with his picky taste (I should have seen it before) we ended up eating in a small cafe inside a Nordstroms. I am sorry, this is a place you grab a bite with your mom while you are shopping, not for a date! So the food was tiny, not what you call Italian, and Joe could not let a joke go. Finally we escaped, after suggesting we go into Victoria Secret and abandoning me in a Sony store so he could look at Televisions (personal shopping for me when you first start shopping is a big no no). Finally we went to the movie theater and I was thinking (at least I can get him to shut up for two hours), but alas I was wrong. We went to go see a Bruce Willis Movie on opening night (no offense, I like Bruce Willis, but guess whose bright idea that was?) and the tickets were sold out for the show at 8:15. He then PROCEEDED TO BUY TICKETS FOR THE 9:30 SHOWING!! I was about to scream "NOT ANOTHER HOUR, NOOOOOOOOOO"
But I didn't want to alarm the small children nor look like a maniac while I was trying to devise my escape. So Joe gets then gets this idea to "show me more about himself" and take me next door to Bass Pro Sop. Now before I continue, I do not dislike Bass Pro Shop, I like it depending on what we are getting. I don't hate hunting or the outdoors, it's actually a hobby Hubby and I enjoy very much.
So Joe takes me over there, shows me this boat he is going to buy with his first million (gag), then takes me to the safari room and tells me how everyone wants to take down the lion (double gag), and then he DOES PERSONAL SHOPPING FOR BULLETS FOR HIS GUN. Broke the rule again! And then this is where he peaks and it all goes down hill faster than you know what. He sees this case and I am pretty sure in his eye it was shining like a beacon. It is a glass case that holds all the high end guns. He then finds this one and says, word for word, "Oh my, This gun is beautiful. It's a work of art. It's like looking at the Mona Lisa. You see Stephanie, a gun like this is like a beautiful woman (points at me) you gotta treat her right and take her out every once in a while". I shit you not, that is exactly what he said, it is embedded in my brain for the rest of my life.
So then on out, I did everything I could stay sane. I had a friend I was texting and calling to make sure I wasn't going to be chopped into thirty pieces and spread around San Antonio. She almost came and kidnapped me with her boyfriend because she was afraid of my safety after that comment. But no, I am a lady, I suffered through, kicked his butt at air hockey, refused candy at the movies, and was thanking God that he put the arm rest down between us. After the movie, I politely asked if he could speed a little since my friend was really sick. I texted her all the way home. Finally we pull up to my dorm, I see her and her boyfriend and jumped out of the car in kitten heels before he came to a full stop. Yelled "BYE" and ran like a bat out of hell. Let's just say I never saw or talked to him again. I am sure if he didn't get the message before, he should when I girl runs out of a moving vehicle.
So now why do you ask, Why am I sharing with you this horrid tale? Well you can thank Hubby for that. Well the other day Hubby sent me an email with this picture in it:

2:18 PM Chris: I get their emails all the time because they have good rates on ammo and concealed license classes
but I just saw the pink camo gun and figured you would find it interesting
after all, it is a very beautiful gun
and one has to appreciate beautiful guns just like beautiful women
you're beautiful JUST like that gun...
12:19 PM me: Oh dear lord u are so lucky u put a ring on it
12:20 PM Chris: or put a baby in it?
me: Lol that to
So even though I got compared to a shot gun and my Hubby likes to remind me from time to time, I secretly thank Joe. If it hadn't been for awful Joe, I would have not have gone on a date with Hubby and I would never have fallen in love. If it wasn't for Joe, I would not be married to the love of my life and 13 weeks with our first child. I have never gotten regrets, frog or not. So Joe, I thank you even though you thought I was as beautiful as a shot gun. Live, Laugh and Love and look forward to a recipe with Quinoa!!!
So even though I got compared to a shot gun and my Hubby likes to remind me from time to time, I secretly thank Joe. If it hadn't been for awful Joe, I would have not have gone on a date with Hubby and I would never have fallen in love. If it wasn't for Joe, I would not be married to the love of my life and 13 weeks with our first child. I have never gotten regrets, frog or not. So Joe, I thank you even though you thought I was as beautiful as a shot gun. Live, Laugh and Love and look forward to a recipe with Quinoa!!!
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