Friday, January 25, 2013

A Funny Tale

 This is the story of how I was compared to a shot gun and how my parents and my husband makes fun of me to this day about it. Yes I know you might have reread that sentence, this is the story of how I was compared to a shot gun. Let me explain, before my husband or my mom try to tell you. You can thank my husband for reminding me of this tale, which I will also explain later.

You see back when I was bright eyed in college I started taking dating seriously about my Junior year and I have nothing to hide, I started online dating. That is exactly how I met Hubby, and yes we have looked into telling E Harmony about us and getting us on a commercial, just waiting for my agent to negotiate (just kidding). Well right before I met Hubby I met a man we shall call Joe. It was nothing serious, according to my grandfather, "a girl should do what she does best, shop around". So The first date with Joe went fine, just a chat and a cup of coffee. The second date was alright, I do admit, I was possibly grumpy because we had to have a later dinner due to his schedule. Half way through that date he asked me out for a third. So I agreed, there was nothing wrong, until I realized... he was a control freak. I shared with him my dreams of owning a restaurant and he was already telling me how to run the show! Also telling me I wasn't eating enough (and trust me I can eat, when I am not irritated.). So after I got home I thought to myself, "Just be polite, go on one more date since you are obligated and then that is that. You never have to see him again."

A week later I realized how big  of a mistake that was. First we went to a very nice outdoor mall to find a restaurant and with his picky taste (I should have seen it before) we ended up eating in a small cafe inside a Nordstroms. I am sorry, this is a place you grab a bite with your mom while you are shopping, not for a date! So the food was tiny, not what you call Italian, and Joe could not let a joke go. Finally we escaped, after suggesting we go into Victoria Secret and abandoning me in a Sony store so he could look at Televisions (personal shopping for me when you first start shopping is a big no no). Finally we went to the movie theater and I was thinking (at least I can get him to shut up for two hours), but alas I was wrong. We went to go see a Bruce Willis Movie on opening night (no offense, I like Bruce Willis, but guess whose bright idea that was?) and the tickets were sold out for the show at 8:15. He then PROCEEDED TO BUY TICKETS FOR THE 9:30 SHOWING!!  I was about to scream "NOT ANOTHER HOUR, NOOOOOOOOOO"
But I didn't want to alarm the small children nor look like a maniac while I was trying to devise my escape. So Joe gets then gets this idea to "show me more about himself" and take me next door to Bass Pro Sop. Now before I continue, I do not dislike Bass Pro Shop, I like it depending on what we are getting. I don't hate hunting or the outdoors, it's actually a hobby Hubby and I enjoy very much.

So Joe takes me over there, shows me this boat he is going to buy with his first million (gag), then takes me to the safari room and tells me how everyone wants to take down the lion (double gag), and then he DOES PERSONAL SHOPPING FOR BULLETS FOR HIS GUN. Broke the rule again! And then this is where he peaks and it all goes down hill faster than you know what. He sees this case and I am pretty sure in his eye it was shining like a beacon. It is a glass case that holds all the high end guns. He then finds this one and says, word for word, "Oh my, This gun is beautiful. It's a work of art. It's like looking at the Mona Lisa. You see Stephanie, a gun like this is like a beautiful woman (points at me) you gotta treat her right and take her out every once in a while". I shit you not, that is exactly what he said, it is embedded in my brain for the rest of my life.
So then on out, I did everything I could stay sane. I had a friend I was texting and calling to make sure I wasn't going to be chopped into thirty pieces and spread around San Antonio. She almost came and kidnapped me with her boyfriend because she was afraid of my safety after that comment. But no, I am a lady, I suffered through, kicked his butt at air hockey, refused candy at the movies, and was thanking God that he put the arm rest down between us. After the movie, I politely asked if he could speed a little since my friend was really sick. I texted her all the way home. Finally we pull up to my dorm, I see her and her boyfriend and jumped out of the car in kitten heels before he came to a full stop. Yelled "BYE" and ran like a bat out of hell. Let's just say I never saw or talked to him again. I am sure if he didn't get the message before, he should when I girl runs out of a moving vehicle.

So now why do you ask, Why am I sharing with you this horrid tale? Well you can thank Hubby for that. Well the other day Hubby sent me an email with this picture in it:
AR-15's Memorial Shooting Center 
 Well my mom started this joke of getting me a pink shot gun after and hubby remembered that. So I asked him if he wanted to invest in another gun, since we currently have two hand guns and a rifle. What did my lovely husband say to me:
2:18 PM Chris: I get their emails all the time because they have good rates on ammo and concealed license classes
  but I just saw the pink camo gun and figured you would find it interesting
  after all, it is a very beautiful gun
  and one has to appreciate beautiful guns just like beautiful women
  you're beautiful JUST like that gun...
12:19 PM me: Oh dear lord u are so lucky u put a ring on it
12:20 PM Chris: or put a baby in it?
 me: Lol that to
So even though I got compared to a shot gun and my Hubby likes to remind me from time to time, I secretly thank Joe. If it hadn't been for awful Joe, I would have not have gone on a date with Hubby and I would never have fallen in love. If it wasn't for Joe, I would not be married to the love of my life and 13 weeks with our first child. I have never gotten regrets, frog or not. So Joe, I thank you even though you thought I was as beautiful as a shot gun. Live, Laugh and Love and look forward to a recipe with Quinoa!!! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Questions, questions, questions

Excuse me as I sneeze...achoo, sorry darn allergies.

So I have told my family and a few close friends before posting it here, and since posting and telling friends I get the usual congrats and usually followed up with a question or two. Of course I am excited about the little baby growing inside and so is hubby, but every now and then I get a question, where I want to answer sarcastically sooooooo bad. So I figured why not share some of the questions and my thoughts and answers here.

1. How far along are you? Currently 11 weeks, the baby is the size of a lime. So remember that when you order your margarita.

2. How are you feeling? I am feeling ok? Excited? In my head I really want to say, "I am excited and enjoy every moment of silent burps and flatulence that happens. Oh and the morning sickness, out of this world!"

3. Are you having morning sickness? Not really, a little nauseous here and there, but nothing major. (In all honestly, this is true, but why would someone want to know if they are having an exorcism or not? So they can help and get a priest? I had what I call an exorcism once one crazy girl's weekend, and I hated it. So why is morning sickness exciting news?)

4. Do you know what you are having yet? I really say, "Oh no, not yet. In just a few months" In reality I am thinking, I am 11 weeks! The baby is barely over an inch, so if you can see through my baby's soul and find out, go right on ahead, this should be fun. It's more fun to predict via wives tales.
5. How did your parents react? "They are ecstatic, very excited to be grand parents." All I will say about this is that my mom nearly knocked my dad out of his recliner to tackle me out of pure happiness.

6. How does it feel?  It feels fine...the baby just stopped looking like a tad pole, so there is no kick yet if that is what you mean.

7. How are you feeling? Again, I get this a lot.

8. Is Hubby excited? What was his reaction? Hubby is very excited. I don't think people want to hear how even though guys get over the moon and can't wait, 85% of men freak out but the girl never knows. Did Hubby freak out, you will never know...

9. Is Ollie excited about being a big brother? Ollie just thinks Mom is getting a little bigger. Seriously? Yes my puppy is doing back flips that a little human will soon be riding him like a horse. Ollie does back flips just to get a jerky bite. I do predict him to be very protective.

10. What are your cravings? What do you want it to be?It's different week to week and they are not crazy. Just fruit here, beans here, and cheese and I are in an off and on again relationship. Does everyone think we crave pickles and ice cream?

I was just reflecting on how the past couple of weeks I get all these questions, both from people that have been or have never been pregnant. And it just gets me how some of them don't make sense to me to ask when things are to early or what not. I am probably going to be that pregnant woman that makes people feel awkward if they just rub my belly with out my permission. Just because I am that sarcastically mean. So just a heads up, if you rub my belly with out clearing it with me, I will rub your belly too. It would be my luck if you are a hot model with rock hard abs.

In all honesty, I am very excited. Hormonal, but excited. Being sick with sinus issues is not helping a whole lot with the nausea, but God Bless Hubby. He has been so patient and spoils me rotten. I thank God every day for sending me this man, preggo or not. Hopefully once I finish my first trimester the hormones and the weather will clear up for me to have a normal pregnancy. Thanks for all the well wishes and love, we appreciate it. As always, Live, Laugh and Love.

Friday, January 4, 2013


So I have been leaving little notes here and there suggesting this big announcement and Hubby and I are very excited about it.

We are officially pregnant and our healthy, bouncy, and still-growing-very-rapidly baby is due July 30th! Even though we are a little over ten weeks now, this was Baby's first picture at 8 weeks. Isn't Baby just so cute!

So being the very organized and planner that I am, I am reading like crazy and following doctor's orders like I should. This way I don't end up like this.

 Thanks you all who are always there and just look forward to more posts about our journey into parenthood, more crafts (now that I have baby to craft for), recipes, and now frugal shopping.

And as always Live, Laugh, and Love!